名称 名護ロータリークラブ
地域 沖縄県本島北部全域(12市町村)
創立  1974年6月26日
RI加盟承認  1974年10月24日
スポンサークラブ  那覇ロータリークラブ
創立会員数  29名  
現在会員数  35名(2024年 7月現在)




2024-25年度 組織図(2024年7月1日現在)

名護RCで受け入れた米山奨学生 (Yoneyama Scholars were accepted in Nago RC) 

●The history of Nago RC

 Nago Rotary Club was founded on June 26 1974 in time for Okinawa International Ocean Exposition which was held in 1975. Major purpose of founding was to provide makeup conveniences for visiting Rotarians of the world.
 At that time Nago Lions Club was already formed and majority of distinctive figures of Nago were its members. Mr. Hamamoto , the first president of Nago Rotary Club had to overcome hardship to recruit charter members.
 There was an opinion that Nago Rotary Club could be a tentative Rotary Club only for the Ocean Expo. However,thanks to cooperation of OB of Nago Junior Chamber and Mr. Kabira, the special representative, Nago Rotary Club was founded and registered with 29 charter members.



ホテルゆがふいんおきなわ 3階
〒905-0011 沖縄県名護市字宮里453-1
電話&FAX 0980-53-4568